Week 35: Treat yo’ Self

So with the final countdown underway, I’ve really been trying to focus on keeping myself calm, cool, and collected…well as best as a woman who is 8 months pregnant possibly can. Let’s just say I’ve been spending a LOT of time in the bathtub. I know I need to make this quiet alone time count before Harper’s arrival, so I’ve been making the most of it with some indulgences.

Here’s a quick list of my home-spa must haves! Click on any of the links to get your own 🙂


Urban Outfitters candle in Moon Sparkle: I’m going nuts for this one right now, as it smells EXACTLY like the old Plumeria scent from Bath and Body Works that was my favorite as a kid. $28.


Calgon Bath Salts in Mint Green Tea: I’m obsessed with this heavenly smelling and pain relieving salt. I’ve had a super sore back as of late, so this stuff is a definite must. $5.


Darphin Hydrating Kiwi Mask: So this is liquid relaxation for faces. This ultra soothing mask goes on cold and leaves your skin feeling brand new. It’s on the pricey end, but luckily I scored it as a work perk 😉 $50


Nook Glowlight: As some of you may know, I am a big reader. I knew I’d be spending a lot more time at home later in my pregnancy and I tend to feel like my brain is melting if I watch too much TV, so I started looking into e-readers. I knew I didn’t want all the bells and whistles of a tablet (Pinterest calls to me) so this Glowlight from Barnes and Noble (recommended by my Mom) is perfect for me. It has a backlight that isn’t too bright so it doesn’t bug Chris when he’s trying to sleep 🙂 I scored mine on ebay for only $55!


Comfy Cotton Robe: I got this to put into my hospital bag, but it has been so practical when it comes to weekend mornings when I don’t feel like squeezing myself into clothes quite yet. $25

+ Lots of caffeine free Iced Green Tea with honey ❤

Lana Del Rey: May be sad to some, but definitely soothing to me.

Creating a peaceful and happy environment for Harper to grow and arrive in has been a top priority of mine, and I’ve honestly never felt so comfortable and at peace with so many huge life changes occurring. I highly recommend taking some time for yourself this week just to focus on feeling well and calm; it is so important (pregnant or not!)

Now get yourself in the tub and TREAT YO SELF.

Stay Gold,



Crystal Cactus

Working for an online shopping company, you may have guessed that I do a lot of…online shopping. I try to limit myself to one treat a week and this past week I decided to check out model Audrey Kitching’s creation, Crystal Cactus.

crystal-cactus-by-audrey-madeofjewelryThe site is littered with one-of-a-kind gem creations at a fairly affordable price. Each item is handcrafted and of a limited quantity so you feel like each piece was made especially for you. Kitching emphasizes the importance of balance in life and incorporates the use of positive energy crystals to do just that; I’m not so sure how I feel about all the “energy” stuff but I do believe in having balance in life…and pretty things. After perusing the minimalistic and easy to navigate site, I decided on this: The Rainbow Titanium Quartz Bullet.

Shown in Gold

Shown in Gold

The description of the piece states

“Each Rainbow Titanium quartz bullet is cleansed with sage and infused with the DNA healing vibration on a 18′ gold/silver plated chain. Titanium Quartz: Quartz is infused with titanium and additional metal oxides to form one of the most precious crystals on the planet. It increases life force and vitality, attuning to the highest attribute of the Crown Chakra. It’s rainbow colors have been shown to stimulate the entire aura body! An exceptional stone for creativity.This quartz removes blockages and enhancing the flow of creativity due to its intensely visual colors. It has been used for increasing intuition and therefore an exceptional stone for promoting clairvoyance as well as all forms of “seeing”. Consider this crystal for assisting in meditation, an alternative medicine career or yogic practice. This crystal appears to stimulate the upward movement of the kundalini and is exceptional for any tantric practice.”

I’ve lately been experiencing some creative blocks as I’ve been preoccupied with work and the looming holidays; but to be honest, I thought this stone was gorgeous and it caught my eye before even reading the description. I chose to go with the silver plated option, as I’ve been favoring gold lately and wanted to switch things up. When my package arrived yesterday (only 3 days after ordering- WITH free standard shipping) I was very pleased to find several little goodies inside (including a promo code for 20% off my next purchase! Yessss.)

Coupon, Inspirational Postcard, Pink Feather, Cute Packaging...Love

Coupon, Inspirational Postcard, Pink Feather, Cute Packaging…Love

And this…a Crystal Cactus sticker accompanied with an unidentified stone…but cool nonetheless.

Oh. Cool?

Oh. Cool?

I unwrapped the packing to find my beautiful necklace tucked neatly in an adorable protective pouch.



And the little beauty itself.


I’ve always been partial to longer necklaces so this 18′ chain is perfect. The stone has a good weight and does not feel cheap like most of the other jewelry I own. Overall, my experience with Crystal Cactus has been a very positive one. Hopefully the stone’s positive energy helps me keep my cool with the upcoming holidays! Score one of these beautiful hand-crafted pieces from their online store HERE

Happy Tuesday

Grace is Gold (and silver, today)

Grace is Gold (and silver, today)