The Cold Coast

Regardless of my abysmal financial situation, I have been blessed with the most amazing grandparents who are letting me stay in a wonderful condo on the Gold Coast of Chicago whilst they spend their days in the suburbs of Indiana. After a strange week of weather we are back to normal…below freezing. So after waking I bundled up, grabbed all my school stuff, and headed out into the arctic.


Not a bad view, eh? My window faces the lake so I wake up with the sun every morning. This neighborhood is absolutely gorgeous and rich with history and beautiful architechture. Image


As for me, my day will be spent in an equally beautiful (at least to me) place….


I am taking an online Psychology course which is turning out to be particularly daunting so the caffiene and the free wifi is keeping me on track. That and my favorite study music; Explosions in the Sky….

I feel very accomplished having made it through this monster of a week, but one thing is for certain, I will be one busy bunny from now until graduation!


Back to work I go…Signing off, Grace is Cold 😉


School in the City

Today was my first day of my last semester in college. Yikes. I woke up far too early, as I always do when I’m afraid I’m going to be late, put on the outfit I picked out the night before (because I’m a nerd) and made my way out into the unseasonably warm and muggy January day. Image

I live about five blocks away from my CTA stop and always enjoy the walk while listening to music and thinking about the day ahead. I finally procured my student UPASS allowing me to ride the rails without spending my own cash.



I prefer trains to busses as you don’t have to deal with any rude conductor or worry about traffic. My first class is at 8:00 am; the first since my freshman year. But I’ve been waking fairly early in preparation. The usual morning crush was anxiously waiting to board the train but I was lucky enough to score an open seat (sorry old ladies, cripples, etc.)



I made it to my stop with just enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee and a good place in the classroom.



I’ve always loved going to school in the city. There’s something about being a part of the rush and the madness every day that makes me feel like I’m a part of something bigger. People can go on and on all they want about my “art school” not being legitimate but I’d like to see them pull off a 4.0 with 18 credit hours of business and finance classes. Suck it losers. 


I also had my graduation advisement meeting today and am proud to say I will be offically a graduate come May 18th. YES!!!! Hope you all are having a wonderful day, as for me I will be spending the remainder of my class break in my favorite place on campus; the library. 


Yeah I’m a nerd. So what?



(and yes I know I have my phone here, but it is purely for photographic reasons 😉

Book Nerd

I have always been known as the speed reader in my family as I can blow through books like most people can blow through kleenex. I like to set a goal for myself every couple weeks of books I’d like to finish. For the next couple weeks my stack looks like this…


American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (Which I’ve already read but needed to revisit)

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

A Visit From The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

Island by Aldous Huxley

I love writing reviews and will be posting my thoughts as soon as I finish each one 🙂 Reading is like watching TV for me…I am a total loser.

Good Morning!

I have recently hopped onto the juicing wagon and I can’t tell you how amazing I have been feeling since. Not only do you get a few servings of fruits and veggies in, but it tastes amazing and you can take it with you when you’re on your way out the door!



This mornings mixture included: kale, carrots, cucumber, mixed berries, pineapple, and kiwi. I always like to add yogurt or almond milk as well to help blend things together. Add a scoop of protien powder, a handful of ice cubes, and you’re on your way!


I like to make sure not to waste any so I take whatever I have left after filling my carrying cup to save for a midafternoon snack. 


Happy Blending 🙂



It seems I’ve gone missing….

That’s it.

No more Facebook/twitter/tumblr/whathaveyou. I have gone off the grid. Although I know this might be confusing for some, as I embark on my last semester of college I need to eliminate all distraction and focus on what truly matters to me in life; what truly makes me happy.

This blog will be a journal of sorts; a place to keep track of my progress in my new discoveries of health, self, independence, and knowledge. I will be posting about books, music, schoolwork, fashion, lifechanges, and whatever will be directly effecting my day to day.

For those of you who know me, this has nothing to do with not wanting to talk to you- it is in fact the opposite. I have been craving face to face interactions without the “LIKE” button, text messages, poorly edited photos, and all around antisocial behavior. I have made some changes in my life over the last couple weeks that will effect the way I interact with my peers including but not limited to…




This is something I’ve needed to do for a long time in order to clear my head and focus on what I need and WHO I would like to become. You can expect me to post here daily on my progress, and, by all means, email me if you’d like to meet up 🙂
